Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How cockroaches could save lives?

Cockroaches are often associated with dirty kitchens and grimy bathrooms - scuttling away as soon as you enter the room
and turn on the light. But pest controllers aren't the only people interested in them - these insects are inspiring research into antibiotics, robots and mechanical limbs, writes Mary Colwell.
In Havana the native bright green Cuban cockroach is often kept as a pet and the insect even appears in old folktales. In one story, a beautiful young Cuban cockroach called Martina tests the character of her suitors by annoying them when they come to visit.
"Drop coffee on their shoes to see how they react," recommends her wise grandma. "It is very important to know what your future husband is like when he is angry - the coffee test never fails."
When faced with soaking wet shoes, her rich suitors show their true colours. A kind and gentle but poor hopeful passes the test though, and the couple live happily ever after.

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