Sunday, October 25, 2015

Netanyahu called a lie and believe her

Still bomb exploded by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli government claiming that "Hitler did not intend to exterminate the Jews, except that the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini incited him on that," interacting in the British press.
According to the (BBC Arabic) The Observer newspaper, published a signed article on behalf of Dalia Hindln, which tried to shed some light on Netanyahu's maneuvers aimed at achieving political gains for himself.
To help you understand the personal Netanyahu, the writer tells the story of that political adviser to Netanyahu, was to have lunch with him, Netanyahu asked sandwich "burger", which is prohibited by the order of a physician.
After Netanyahu eat a large portion of the sandwich, he entered his wife and began Ptqureih, is that Netanyahu defended himself by resorting to lying, claiming he was "burger" did not eat at all.
From this tale writer you want to say that Netanyahu has the ability to lie and then denied by ratification, and may make others believe it.

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